Re: Disable NM for eth0 or setting a static ip

Rajko Albrecht wrote:
Am Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2007 schrieb Dan Williams:
On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 12:33 +0100, Rajko Albrecht wrote:

I tried to find a possiblity for using NM for WLan and VPN but not for
ethX interfaces. Or setting up static IPs for cable interfaces.

Is this meanwhile possible or must I disable NM?
Some distributions allow you to disable specific interfaces from
NetworkManager.  Ubuntu, SUSE, and Fedora have facilities for this.
There is limited support for static IPs in 0.6.x, and better support for
them in 0.7.x (yet to be released).  Note that in 0.6.x, hiding an
interface just  makes NM ignore it, NM will still bring up connections
on other interfaces.
HOW do I hide an interface? I don't find any documentation about it. No 
Readme, on webpage isn't a documentation, no configuration description inside 
(fedora) packages, (which are described as NetworkManager 0.7.0 in Fedora 8 
but think it is a 0.6.5),  inside source packages are no documentations. 

So it would great not just telling it works but where I find some 
documentation how to configure NetworkManager and NM-Dispatcher.
Set NM_CONTROLLED=no in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX

Side-effect; NM will completely ignore the interface and show there is no connection (at all) even though ethX is connected ;-)
Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

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