Re: openvpn plugin MSS/Fragment parameters

Robert Piasek wrote:
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Recently I've installed NetworkManager openvpn plugin, but I can't
establish VPN connection. My VPN configuration include fragment and
mssfix parameters (needed by some clients) which are not present with
current openvpn plugin. I've checked nm-openvpn-service.c
and valid_properties[] doesn't contain these parameters on it's list.

Without these parameters VPN brings up tun0 interface with MTU 1412
(rather than 1500) and fragment size is set up to default value. This
results with  LZO decompression errors.

[nm-openvpn] Bad LZO decompression header byte: 0

and of course timeout/VPN restart.

When I'm running vpn from a init scripts it works like a charm.

Is there any chance to implement them or hack the VPN startup script
to manually specify them?

I'll take a look at adding properties for these in the advanced settings 
for openvpn. In addition, openvpn is returning an MTU for the tun device 
that we are not passing back to NetworkManager, which we probably should be.

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