Re: One more clue

Dnia Wed, 06 Sep 2006 11:03:52 -0400 David Abrahams
<dave boost-consulting com> napisał:

> NM is commonly not connecting -- or taking forever to connect -- to my
> network, especially after the connection is dropped (e.g. if I go out
> of range).  However, if I'm lucky enough to have an unprotected
> network nearby, all I have to do is try to connect to that unprotected
> network and wait for the first "green dot" in nm-applet (I don't even
> need a full connection), then switch back to my preferred network, and
> everything connects reasonably quickly.

I can second that. It happens here as well, only with encrypted
networks. Sometimes NM reconnects so many times (because of weak
signal), that at some point it can't connect at all - I have to reset
the daemon. This is very annoying, in windows, although I have
connection loses too, it reconnects much quickier. Isn't it possible to
prevent NM to establish dhcp connection each time after disconnection? 
This would shorten the reconnection time, if caused by disconnection of
weak signal. Also, after a couple of tries, NM connects to other
network that I used to connect to. Is there a way to prevent this?
Please note, that the former network is WPA-PSK, the latter WEP

NM 0.6.4, knetworkmanager 0.1pre

Best regards,
  Dawid Wróbel				mailto:dawid klej net

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