Re: WPA2 support and static IP address

On Fri, 2006-06-23 at 14:06 +0200, Patrick Rau wrote:
> Hello,
> before I'm going to install Network Manager, I'd like to if 
> wpa2(AES)-encrypted wlans are supported 

Yes; but this is highly driver-specific as each driver has to implement
correct WPA2/ieee802.1x support.  The best drivers for WPA right now are
the Intel Pro/Wireless ones.

If you're not using the IPW drivers, you may wish to verify that your
card works with wpa_supplicant
( ).  When in doubt, give NM a
try and see if it works.  It should.

> and if I'm able to give a static 
> IP-address to my wlan interface.

This is distribution specific.  If you've configured your card for a
static IP address in Fedora for example, you would use the normal
system-config-network tool (which writes settings
to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<iface>) to set up the static IP
address, DNS server, broadcast address, etc.  NM will then pick these
settings up and use them when configuring that interface.  If not, there
is likely a bug in the code that handles your specific distribution's
configuration files for NetworkManager.


> Patrick Rau
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