Re: Problem starting network manager Asus A6Q00Km laptop, ipw2200

Timo Hoenig wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 23:28 +0200, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:
>> Torsdag 13 juli 2006 23:16 skrev Timo Hoenig:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 22:26 +0200, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:
>>>> I am running kernel 2.6.17 and I finally managed to get the driver to
>>>> load without errors.
>>>> Now I try to get network manager running and I get this error:
>>> You do not get this by running NetworkManager but by running
>>> KNetworkManager.
>> Possibly.
> Fact.  :-)
>>> Your D-BUS configuration is not properly set up.  There should be some
>>> file called knetworkmanager.conf in /etc/dbus-1/system.d.  This file
>>> provides the policy for the D-BUS interface NetworkManagerInfo.
>> Here is what I have right now. These are from Debian unstable standard 
>> packages:
>> andersa asusa6q:/etc/dbus-1/system.d$ ls
>> bluez-hcid.conf  dhcdbd.conf  hal.conf  knetworkmanager.conf  
>> NetworkManager.conf  powersave.conf
>> andersa asusa6q:/etc/dbus-1/system.d$ cat knetworkmanager.conf
> <snip sane looking policy>

This is actually my fault as Debian maintainer of knetworkmanager.
Debian does not have pam_console, instead I use a group called "netdev"
to control the access to NetworkManager. For nm-applet.conf I correctly
changed the dbus policy but for knetworkmanager.conf I forgot to add
this Debian specific patch. Await a fixed knetworkmanager package soon
(together with NM-0.6.4).


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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