Problem starting network manager Asus A6Q00Km laptop, ipw2200

I am running kernel 2.6.17 and I finally managed to get the driver to load 
without errors.

Now I try to get network manager running and I get this error:

Error requesting name, org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: 
Connection ":1.9" is not allowed to own the 
service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo" due to security policies in the 
configuration file
updateNetwork: Found network without device? Bailing out.
updateNetwork: Found network without device? Bailing out.
updateNetwork: Found network without device? Bailing out.

What have I forgotten?


 - Debian GNU/Linux - KDE 3.5.2 - KMail 1.9.1 -

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