Re: Help, NM breaks my wireless conection (0.3.3-1)

On Mon, 2005-01-17 at 10:07 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:

> No problem.  It seems to be the _frequency_ of down/ups that NM did.
> Since NM does them programmatically, it does them much faster and at
> more random intervals than you as the user can do them.  Plus, NM
> programmatically sets the options on the card faster than you as the
> user can type 'iwconfig eth1 xxx xxx'.  This exposes race conditions in
> the kernel and the drivers that were never uncovered before, since
> people haven't done anything like NetworkManager before.  These races,
> assumptions, and errors need to be fixed or worked around.

OK, beat me with a clue stick if you want, but:

a) You say rapid changes of configuration OLD-NM did triggered

b) therefor, NEW-NM doesn't do this anymore (or at least not so often).

c) I have no problem at all, when I configure my prism54 card once and
leave it alone.

d) I had no problems at all, when OLD-NM configured my prism54 card and
did whatever it wanted to do afterwards and how often it wanted to do.

e) My card stops after a short time with NEW-NM. 

I don't see how doing up/down _less_ can break my card, when doing it
_never_ works flawlessly (I could think of a situation, where OLD-NM
would reconfigure the card so often, that it never had time to break in
between, but then I don't see how [c] can hold true)

I am usually not so dumb.


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