Variable objects support landed


Just a quick note to tell you that the Variable Objects support work
that was happening in the varobjs-support branch has been merged into

In terms of improved user interaction so far, here is what we have

 * Nicer way to dereference variables. Just unfold the variable row,
   and if it's a pointer, it'll be dereferenced.

 * You can change the content of variables now. Just click on the
   content in the variable inspector and change its value.

 * Watchpoint setting. You can now set watchpoints on variable
   expressions in Nemiver. Just hit ctrl-t and you can type in an
   expression like "foo". Then, later, when the content of variable foo
   changes, the debugger will stop. Watchpoints are listed in the
   breakpoints view just like regular breakpoints. It's just that they
   have the watchpoint type.

 * Copying the path expression of a variable into the gtk clipboard.
   Sometimes I want to be able to copy the path expression of a
   variable I am inspecting (e.g foo->bar.baz[2].bleh) into the
   clipboard, so that I can feed it to a function I am going to call in
   the inferior (using ctrl-E). This is what this feature is for. Okay,
   it's pure selfishness as I am not sure anybody else would ever need
   this. There ought to be some advantages to writing your own graphical
   debugger ;)

 * Improved reliability as we are parsing much less cruft coming from
   GDB, as far as variable content is concerned.

There are other things that would be nice to have like improving the
feedback to the user whenever a watchpoint is hit. Something that
doesn't use a dialog that pops up. Something that works like what GEdit
uses to notify users about errors etc.

Also, another thing that would be cool is a revamping of the tooltip
that shows the content of a variable whenever you hover over it. That
tooltip could use a VarInspector widget to let the user inspect the
content of a complex variable, inside the tooltip. Now that
VarInspector is variable objects powered it could be something that's
worth it.

As usual, I have been using this stuff extensively on my daily
debugging activities so I hope it's going to be stable enough for your
usage. If not, please file bugs so that we can fix things.


Dodji Seketeli

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