Re: Why is the xml corresponding to the menu item View-->Show Output and View-->Show Errors commented ?

Seemanta Dutta wrote:
I was trying to see the view menu related items within the menus.xml file within nemiver/src/persp/dbgperspective/menus folder. (This is for my work where I shall be trying to interface a gdb console with the debugger).

There I saw that the menu items 'Show commands', 'Show output' and 'Show error' are commented out within the menus.xml file.

May I know why this was done? This is version 0.6.5 I am talking about, the one which I got from the new git repository.

My Ubuntu Intrepid installation comes with version 0.6.3 where I do see the menu options of 'Show errors' and 'Show Output' within the 'View Menu'.
(Although 'Show Commands' is not visible in this version.)

Yes, these were basically only useful for debugging by developers and were not useful for normal users (and just cluttered up and confused the interface) so they were removed. These days we usually get all of the debug information we need from logging ( Hope that helps.


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