Re: [Nemiver-list] global variables support patch

On 9/25/07, Jonathon Jongsma <jonathon domain hid> wrote:
> On 9/24/07, Dodji Seketeli <dodji domain hid> wrote:
> > On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:12:23 +0200,
> > Oops :-) Actually, I wanted to understand where we were spending the
> > time so I did some profiling. At the beginning of the process, nemiver
> > was taking 7 minutes on my box to display the list of global variables
> > of fooprog. After some profiling and some optimisations, the time is
> > now a between 1 and 2  minutes. What I did was basically make sure to
> > not to use the O(n) access function of UString (as those strings are
> > utf8 strings), but rather O(1) access functions, mostly in the gdbmi
> > parser. I also optimized some things that we use for logging.
> Interesting.  I just applied your patch to the variablemodel branch
> and ran it myself and starting up fooprog in nemiver only takes me 15
> seconds.  The top of my profile shows up as
> __gnu_cxx::__stl_hash_string(const char*).  There's also a bunch of
> other __gnu_cxx::hashtable things in the profile.
> I also have a lot of '.plt' entries showing up in the profile
> --
> jonner

One other thing that I forgot to mention: I seem to have a lot of
duplicate variables showing up in the global variables list.  I
haven't really looked into the code yet to see why it's happening, but
when I debug 'fooprog', I see the variable "g_threads_got_initialized"
in the list no less than 62 times.  There are many other variables
that are in the multiple times, but I didn't spend the time to
document them all.  I don't know if that might be contributing to the
slowness at all...


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