Re: [Nemiver-list] pkg-config files and dependencies

> libnemivercommon.pc is okay.
> though,  is something not "public". Users are expected to
> link explicitely with libnemivercommon only. So only
> libnemivercommon.pc should be provided.
> To load libgdmod, the user uses the DynamicModule interface and never
> specifies libgdbmod itself.

I agree, but should there be a way to determine which backend plugins
a user currently has installed?  An application author could use a
nemiver-gdb-plugin.pc file (currently called libgdbmod.pc)  to
determine whether the gdb backend was available (or a
nemiver-python-plugin.pc, etc).  But if we do that, we should change
it so that it doesn't return any libraries to link against (I don't
know what I was thinking when I did that).
So it would just be a
simple dependency existence check.  Does that sound useful or not?
Oh, okay. That'd be cool yes. I forgot about that aspect. One needs to
check the presence of that implementation of the IDebugger interface,

what about the libdbgengine.pc file?  that's the one that simply adds
the include path for the IDebugger header to your CFLAGS.
Do you want
to keep that one?  or combine it with libnemivercommon somehow?
Yeah, let's keep that one. You are right.

Yeah, I think that's just because of the following line in

libnemivercommon_la_LDFLAGS= NEMIVER_LIBS@

So we tell it to link against every single library we check for in
configure.  If we changed that instead to something like:

libnemivercommon_la_LDFLAGS= GLIBMM_LIBS@

oookay. We will need to cherrypick the dependencies we need then.
That's for the good.
I buy in that.



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