Re: Browse Network: FTP-Servers in local network are shown, but clicking on them only leads to "connection refused"

Ah, thank you!

$ gvfs-mount ftp://servername
promts me to enter username and password and works then.

$ gvfs-ls -a "standard::target-uri" network:///
dnssd-domain-cookbook._sftp-ssh._tcp    0    (shortcut)    standard::target-uri=sftp://

("cookbook" is the servername. [it's my kitchen notebook. ;-)])

So I'm even more confused now, is my server ftp or sftp? (standard vsftp setup with "allow local users")
And, to get to my initial question again:
What can be done to connect to it via the "browse network" function in nautilus?

2014-07-16 14:15 GMT+02:00 Ross Lagerwall <rosslagerwall gmail com>:
On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Bazon Bloch <bazonbloch arcor de> wrote:
> this isn't too bad, as the "connect to server" option works flawlessly, but
> anyway, if a FTP server is shown in the "browse network" view, it would be
> nice to be able to connect to it.
> So what could lead to this connection refuse?
> I have the gvfs package installed, and even created anonymous user access
> without password to one of the FTP server, but that didn't lead to success.
> Via terminal, I get:
> $ gvfs-mount sftp://servername
> Error mounting location: Verbindung wurde vom Server verweigert [connection
> refused by server]
> FYI: I use vsftp as server and use arch-linux with nautilus 3.12.2-1.

What is the output of: gvfs-ls -a "standard::target-uri" network:///
That should show what Nautilus is trying to connect to when you double
click on the ftp server.

It also looks like you're confusing SFTP and FTP to some degree.
gvfs-mount sftp://server tries to connect to an SFTP server so it's
not surprising that it fails.

Ross Lagerwall

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