Re: File/Folder selection area in list mode.

Bogdan Butnaru wrote:
Wouldn't it be reasonable to accept drops anywhere on a Nautilus
window, including outside the list? Except for the address bar, which
might accept text, nothing else in the window seems to have a need for
specific drops. So I should be able to drop files on the toolbar and
have them copied inside the directory.

Well, there is one class of object inside the window that should be a drop target: the icons in the list. ;-) Sub-folders and applications, for specific examples.

It would arguably be worse than the current situation if Nautilus went from allowing drops into icons displayed (at the loss of being able to drop into the folder itself), to allowing drops onto itself (and losing the ability to drop onto its contents).

Windows and icons (of folders, at least) represent the same object. Nautilus does a relatively decent job keeping those two things tied together. What this thread - and more importantly, the bug - are talking about is adding to that consistency, not subtracting from it.

- John

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