Re: File/Folder selection area in list mode.

John Keller wrote:
Bogdan Butnaru wrote:
Wouldn't it be reasonable to accept drops anywhere on a Nautilus
window, including outside the list? Except for the address bar, which
might accept text, nothing else in the window seems to have a need for
specific drops. So I should be able to drop files on the toolbar and
have them copied inside the directory.

Well, there is one class of object inside the window that should be a drop target: the icons in the list. ;-) Sub-folders and applications, for specific examples.

And I realize now, after finally replying to your email, that you might have been suggesting that the window/chrome become a drop target for the folder that the window represents as an addition to being able to drop on objects within the list.

I think that'd be fine, if technically possible (not sure it is in X). But it's still important that the user has a target area in the list area, even if it's filled with icons that are drop objects themselves. Mac has always had it, Windows has it, probably others I haven't used. Users expect it, and it presents (typically) a large target area, regardless of allowing drops on the surrounding window chrome.

- John

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