Re: preferences->preview->thumbnail size

Greg Huber wrote:
Nautilus Developers

Could you please consider either increasing the maximum size for thumbnails
(say, adding 3 GB and 5 GB) or perhaps, letting the user define the upper limit.
Newer cameras have much larger CCD's now and are storing larger files.  My
camera has an average file size of 2.5 GB. It would be nice to be able to see the
thumbnails for these images so I can sort the pictures.
Huh? What sort of camera generates a 2.5 GB file? And can I have one? 
You know, for testing :-)
Anyway, adding a 10 GB entry is trivial:

Index: libnautilus-private/nautilus-global-preferences.c
--- libnautilus-private/nautilus-global-preferences.c	(revision 14791)
+++ libnautilus-private/nautilus-global-preferences.c	(working copy)
@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@
 	{ "5242880",	    N_("5 MB"),		5242880 },
 	{ "10485760",	    N_("10 MB"),	10485760 },
 	{ "104857600",	    N_("100 MB"),	104857600 },
-	{ "1073741824",     N_("1 GB"),         1073741824 }
+	{ "1073741824",     N_("1 GB"),         1073741824 },
+	{ "10737418240",    N_("10 GB"),        10737418240 }

- Mike

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