Re: right click association of gnuplot plot files

Am Sonntag, den 04.03.2007, 02:15 +0100 schrieb Christian Kirbach:
> On Sat, 03 Mar 2007 16:36:00 +0100, <nautilus 20 jacquesb spamgourmet com>  
> wrote:
> > I have a program for some mathematical calculations. I use gnuplot to
> > plot the results.
> > How can I start gnuplot by clicking on a .plt file in the Nautilus file
> > manger (Ubuntu)?

Create a .desktop file following, register
the MIME type for .plt files in it (you probably first need to create an
entry in the shared-mime-info database for .plt files and run the
update-mime-database command) and add the necessary command. Then run
update-desktop-database. With the next start of nautilus, mark a .plt
file and get the Properties windows via right-click menu. There choose
"Open with" and choose the action you recently added. Then always a
simple click on this file will run gnuplot.

> > How to resolve this?
> You are probably looking for nautilus-actions

Is there no implementation of the desktop-actions part of the desktop entry specification in nautilus? Is it planned
to support this?

Regards, Daniel

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