Re: Nautilus 2.10.1 cant see smb:///

Jaap Haitsma skrev:
> Kjartan Maraas wrote:
>> ons, 11,.05.2005 kl. 14.38 +0200, skrev Per Ronny Westin:
>>> Hello
>>> i upgraded from Gnome 2.6 to Gnome 2.10 - now i CANT see my samba shares
>>> in Nautilus 2.10.1 ?? I could in 2.6.3 ... whats this .. do this mean
>>> that a higher version number of Gnome nowadays give you a less
>>> functioning piece of software !!
>>> Anyway .. hmm i looked around the net and see that i am not alone on
>>> this issue but i was not able to see any solution to this smb shares
>>> problem .. anyone that have a clue?
>> Just want to add that I'm seeing this too. I could browse SMB networks
>> just fine with earlier releases and I can't now. I'm not 100% sure the
>> blame lies only with gnome-vfs/nautilus since we've upgraded to Windows
>> 2003 in recent times.
>> Cheers
>> Kjartan
> I also don't see them when I want to browse them starting from the
> computer location. But as a workaround, if I just enter the location
> with Ctrl+l. So e.g. smb:///<mynetwork> I can access the smb shares
> Jaap
Heya Jaap
Thanx for concerning about it but that not work for me either :(

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Per Ronny Westin | AKA Vaxx | vaxx nosferatu homeunix org
 Missionsvägen 1, 91094 Dikanäs Sweden | GSM 070 6834232

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