Re: ftp and Nautilus

On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 12:11:14PM -0500, Manuel Amador (Rudd-O) wrote:
> El mar, 18-05-2004 a las 03:22, Thorsten Wilms escribió:
> > 
> > Don't tell me there's no possibility to determine if the server 
> > allows anonymous login. Even if you can't know in advance (I'm 
> > not familiar with the protocol), you could still just login in 
> > background to check this.
> Thorsten, background login is useless when you want to log in with a
> password.  Why?
> Because many FTP servers to which you may want to log in with user/pw
> combo also support anon login, and you would never get prompted for the
> password.

With _background_ login I meant trying to login anonymously, just to 
check if the server supports it. This wouldn't be exposed to the user 
at all (and all this just in case there's no mechanism in the protocol 
to retrieve this info in a clean way.)
So I was only about presenting the user with the real options he has 
for logging in.
> > So the app can at least get to know if server allows anonymous 
> > (and might also allow non-anon) or if there can only be login  
> > with username/password.
> What would be worth the effort is logging in anonymously, and if it is
> possible, keeping the connection around while prompting the user 
> (o) Log in anonymously
> ( ) Log in with a user account
>     User name [                   ]
>     Password  [ **********        ]
> Where "Log in anonymously" would be selected if anon login was
> successful, and greyed out + deselected if anon login wasn't possible.

Well, radio buttons might be the best way to communicate the relations.
But they will increase the number of required clicks.

Thorsten Wilms

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