Re: ftp and Nautilus

El lun, 17-05-2004 a las 14:45, Thorsten Wilms escribió:
> On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 02:16:05PM -0500, Shaun McCance wrote:
> > How about a dialog like this:
> > 
> >    [ ] Server requires username and password:
> >        Username: __________
> >        Password: __________
> >                               [ Cancel] [ Login ]
> > 
> > If the "Server requires username and password" is unchecked, then the
> > username and password fields are insensitive.
> It doesn't make clear the alternative is anonymous login.
> It feels like asking the user if the server requires username/password.
> But the app should know that ...

Fact is, the app cannot know that.  This is exactly why we're having
this discussion thread.

> The wording "requires" is misleading, because it can be just an option.
> And it requires one extra click (the checkmark) for non-anonymous.
> The dialog must have 2 textfileds and 2 buttons (Cancel, Login).
> And something for anonymous login. Using a button has the advantage 
> of direct action / least number of clicks required.
> ---
> Thorsten Wilms
	Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
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