Re: Feedback: Six Nautilus annoyances

> This isn't the behavior I get in Win2k. I created a dir with files named 
> a, b, c, ca, cc, and cool. Hitting "cc" quickly selects the file named 
> "ca" (the second c file in the list), not "cc". Additional c presses 
> cycle through all the files starting with c. Maybe this is different in 
> other Windows versions. Personally, I prefer the Win2k behavior. It 
> seems more intuitive that multiple presses of the same key just cycles 
> through all the files starting with that letter.

I dunno.  Using the proper locale's sort settings plus having the
nautilus behavior seems pretty reasonable to me.  Because it's safe to
assume the user knows at least the two or three first letters of a file
name if he is using typeahead find, right?

> -Ben
	Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
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