Re: Feedback: Six Nautilus annoyances

On Tue, 2004-02-10 at 22:12, Eugenia Loli-Queru wrote:

> > The reason we use $home as cwd when launching things is that that makes
> > it the default saving location for most app fileselectors. It also makes
> > relative pathname files written by the app (including core files) end up
> > in $home (instead of /usr/bin where it would otherwise end up for most
> > apps).
> I c. However, this doesn't help me too much when I have, let's say, a
> complex launching script for limewire and when I create a nautilus/gnome
> launcher out of it and doesn't work. Editing such a huge script (about 6 KB)
> and give it absolute pathnames (or PREFIX set to ~) in order to work with
> nautilus is not an option IMHO. I am not sure what to be done about this...

Well. You don't have to do that. Just put e.g. "cd `dirname $0`" on the
first line of the script.

> >Thats not how typeahead works in nautilus. Pressing "kk" would get you
> >to the first file starting with "kk". If you want to go to "Kool.txt",
> >press "ko".
> But I can do both with Explorer. Pressing "k" it will get me to the next
> k-word, while pressing "ko" also will get me on "kool". I believe that
> Explorer has better functionality regarding this action that worth copying.

What if there is a file that starts with kk?

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a Nobel prize-winning white trash matador who hangs with the wrong crowd. 
She's a provocative bisexual femme fatale living on borrowed time. They fight 

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