Re: Patches improving tree view (multi-root and auto-follow)

On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 10:13, Wolfgang Pichler wrote:
> personally i think the third patch would be the best solution (and i
> like the idea that my code get used ;-) ).
Sure. I assume you have noticed my fourth patch which corrects many bugs
(mainly in my code ;) ).

> Another thing is - wouldn't it be possible to open tree nodes
> automatically when the user (while in drag&drop action) holds his mouse
> over a node ? - i think this would be very useful.
That's one thing on my tree-wishlist but I can't do hundred tree view
patches at the same time ;) as it's not even finally decided what
concept goes in.

> To the manage part: An option "add new root" - which then opens a nice
> dialog where the user can enter a new uri - or where he can select one
> from a predefined list with the gnome-vfs avaible uris with a short
> explaination would be a good thing (if it is makeable).
It's sure possible (IIRC you have implemented it, haven't you?) but I
don't know whether this is necessary if we can add an item to each
folder's context menu "Add as Tree Root" or whatever.

> And... the context menu from the file views - isn't it possible to also
> inlcude it into the (multi)tree view ? - i've taken a short look at the
> code and i think it wouldn't be that problem, or i am wrong ?
I haven't taken a look at it yet but is definitively necessary in a good
tree view.

I think the best is waiting until the fourth patch gets reviewed by a
maintainer and then I'll probably go on with context menus, dropping
helpers and so on.


Jürg Billeter
j bitron ch

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