Re: Spatial Nautilus:Questions

--- Peter Harvey <pah06 uow edu au> wrote:
> Don't know why it would load faster without
> --no-desktop. Not a Nautilus
> coder myself.
Yeah. I think it seemed faster because I had been
happily clicking away at the icon to test the speed
increase. Pseudo-preloading for mouse-happy amateurs

By the way , anything special in the
nautilus-extensions-branch? It seems the same as the
tarball release , barring the new framework I guess.
Is there anyway I can test out (read 'in a non-coding'
way) the new functionality of the plugin framework?

One more thing. Why are the sidebar tab-pieces and
remnants from Pre 2.2 nautilus still lying around in
CVS? Are they used by any application or viewer?

Ramanan V

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