Re: Symlinks in nautilus don't behave like they do in the terminal

On Wed, 2002-05-15 at 03:14, Dave Bordoley wrote:
> Pretty please with sugar on top. I know this isn't 2.0 type fix, but i'd
> really like to see it fixed soon...

This is where I step in, put on my release team hat, and say 'pretty
please with sugar on top, please fix all the release blocking bugs
first[1] and then worry about bugs like this one.' Yes, I know this bug
stinks, but I could find tons of them that are worse. In fact, I /have/
found tons of them that are worse. And we have like three weeks until
2.0.0 freeze. So, please, if you're fixing nautilus bugs, concentrate on
those first. 


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