Re: Add Network Neighborhood to Nautilus

On Fri, 2002-07-26 at 11:32, snickell stanford edu wrote:
> (do all interesting
> protocols allow us to determine a unique identifier, say IP address, for
> the machine sharing resources, so we don't get computers showing up
> twice?)

For the usual case of "interesting," yes... i.e. (WebDAV SMB AFP NFS)

IP address = almost always what we want...

IPX, DDP addresses = slightly problematic, but probably either tunneling
over IP or we might use MAC addresses to clear it up? IPX IIRC uses MAC
addresses as part of their IPX address. DDP addresses are dynamically
negotiated like the ZeroConf IP addresses, but they're almost always
bound to an NBP name, so if we see it twice it'll have the same NBP
record. ("Host:ServiceType Zone")

Serial links (IRDA USB SCSI FireWire/IEEE-1395(sic?) Bluetooth UUCP ...)
I think we can fairly safely assume that if we're not running IP over
the interface to the (camera fileserver MP3-player ...) that we won't
see it showing up elsewhere, i.e. we probably have the only link to it
so no duplication concerns?

Any others...?

"Network Resources"

Show: (o) All Resources ( ) By [Workgroup|Zone] ( ) By [Device|Computer]

Group        Type          Name    Provided By  Description
WORKGROUP    File Sharing  C$      COMPUTER     C:\
WORKGROUP    Printer       PRINTER COMPUTER     Printer
Design Shop  File Sharing  Fonts   Mac Server   Fonts
Design Shop  Printer       Epson   Epson        Epson
             Internet Link         Firewall     802.11 Firewall ipmasq
             Printer       HP      HP           IRDA Printer

"Network Resources"

Show: ( ) All Resources (o) By [Workgroup|Zone] ( ) By [Device|Computer]

   [ ]                     [ ]                  [ ]
WORKGROUP              Design Shop          (no group)
 4 Items                 3 Items              5 Items

"Network Resources"

Show: ( ) All Resources ( ) By [Workgroup|Zone] (o) By [Device|Computer]

    [ ]**             [ ]*            [ ]*
 COMPUTER          Mac Server        Epson
  2 Items            1 Item          1 Item

* using emblems to represent available services: file, print, network
bridging (squid/iptables/...), remote login (ssh/xdmcp/vnc/...), maybe a
few other "common" categories (irc/ytalk/winpopup/jabber = "chat"

"Network Resources: COMPUTER"

  [ ]                  [ ]
PRINTER                 C$

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