Re: [Nautilus-list] performance and usability

i don't think that anyone made any personal attacks, aside from calling
your original post rude.  whether it was or wasn't rude, it certainly
was curt.  

from your original e-mail, i don't think that you stated anything about
nautilus that wasn't already known.  yes, navigation can be slow.  yes,
displaying thumbnails can be slow.  these are known issues, but if you
read Seth Nickell's stats from Wednesday, you will see that these have
been (and are continuing to be) improved.  load and display times have
been cut by a half or more(!)

Startup time (window open and loaded, desktop loaded and drawn)
    nautilus1: 16 seconds
    nautilus2: 9 seconds

New window (empty folder)
    nautilus1: 9 secondsremoved, and what features need improving. 
    nautilus2: 4 seconds

Time before first signs of new window appear:
    nautilus1: 5 seconds
    nautilus2: 1-2 seconds

New window (/var/www about 50 files of various types, about 15 are
pre-thumbnailed images)
    nautilus1: 10 seconds
    nautilus2: 5 seconds

that being said, please try to isolate what features you feel should be
removed, and what features need improving.  saying nautilus needs to
focus more doesn't help if you don't volunteer information on how it
should refocus.

hope this helps, and is no disrespect to you

On Fri, 2002-01-25 at 13:53, James Mitchell Allmond wrote:
> 	My negative comments do Nautilus and the developers more justice than
> those that praise everything about Nautilus and make stupid claims on
> how it's superior to anything from MS or Apple. Such comments are

> delusional and portray the product as 100% acceptable as is. Then you're
> stuck with a shitty application that has nothing going for it but
> blindly devoted fools that hype it to something it's not.
> 	In any case, for those of you that actually develop on Nautilus, keep
> up the work, try to make the navigation more fluid (especially with
> respect to different disks), try to make it faster, and try to keep the
> scope of the project focused.  
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Matthew J. Doller 
mdoller wpi edu

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