Re: [Nautilus-list] New show hidden/backup files patch

Circa 2002-Feb-14 14:51:12 -0800 dixit Darin Adler:

: I'd also like to have this be a "Show/Hide" menu item that changes
: its text, rather than a "Show XXX" that has a check box next to it.

Gaack!  Bad idea.  Menu items with polymorphic labels are inherently
confusing.  When the menu item reads 'Show XXX', which state does that
mean?  That XXX is already shown, or that XXX will be shown by choosing
the menu item?  Not only that, but, because the label changes, it's
more difficult for a human to scan the menu for the item i think is
called 'Show XXX', but right now happens to read 'Hide XXX'.

Using checkboxes in front of a menu item that acts as toggle not only
clearly shows the state of the item, but also shows clearly that the
item is a toggle to begin with (and won't, for example, 'Show Hidden
Files' in a new window or sidebar panel).  This is exactly the sort of
thing that checkboxes are for.

jim knoble | jmknoble pobox com |

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