Re: File management dialog -- UI review partially applied

One wording question:
Behavior/Trash/"Ask before emptying the Trash or deleting files"
I'm not sure what this is supposed to do (honestly). What does the "or
deleting files" mean?

Some confusion:
In the icon captions tab, it is unclear to me exactly what the options
do. Suppose I set the three options to "size/items", "type",
"permissions". Would that mean that as I zoom in the caption would show
the filetype, then after zooming in further it would show the

I also have some layout comments; I'm not sure if this is the best place
for them (and they are totally nitpickey so don't take them too

A lot of the optionmenus are very wide This is to fill out the window
(which is stretched out by the text in the Behavior tab. I'm not sure
what should be done about this.

For all of the optionmenus with numbers (percentages or filesizes), they
would look better if the items were flush right so you'd get this:
100 KB
500 KB
  1 MB
  3 MB
  5 MB
 10 MB
100 MB

rather than this:
100 KB
500 KB
1 MB
3 MB
5 MB
10 MB
100 MB

Perhaps I should open up a HIG bug on that number allignment thing...)


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