Re: [Nautilus-list] Tree view question

On Mon, 2002-04-22 at 22:20, David Moles wrote:
> P.S. OS X also encourages the use of a columnar view, where you'd
> have (for instance), for /home/ringo/public_html:
> /             home/         ringo/        public_html/
> ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
> bin/          john/         Documents/    images/
> etc/          paul/         public_html/  index.html
> home/         george/       tmp.txt
> lib/          ringo/
> sbin/
> tmp/
> usr/
> var/
This is basically taken from NeXT. It takes a while to get used to as
there doesn't seem to be anything like it used anywhere else. IIRC,
TkDesk implements this.

Glen Gray             Software Engineer
a n t e f a c t o     t: +353 1 8586006     f: +353 1 8586014
181 Parnell Street - Dublin 1 - Ireland

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