[Nautilus-list] Success with N1.03 Candidate and Mozilla 0.9

Hello !

I am using RH7.0 with all updates and Ximian1.4.
I installed the RPMS from Nautilus 1.03 candidate, and because the mozilla included in Ximian is 0.8.1 (and not 0.8) I was not able to see any html inside nautilus. BUT, I downloaded the mozilla 0.9 RPMS from ftp.mozilla.org and installed them (I had to uninstall libnspr4) and BOOM everything is working N1.03 + M0.9 even if N1.03 was build for M0.8.
Thanks for all.

PS1: Do you think to implement https (SSL) ?
PS2: The right-click is not working when mozilla renders an html.


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