Re: [Nautilus-list] Re: when that call to nautilus_directory_force_reload is not needed

Zbigniew Chyla <cyba gnome pl> writes:

> On Thu, 2001-06-14 at 02:45:10, David Emory Watson wrote:
> > The problem is that even if the files are displayed in another view, we
> > can't be sure that the other view knows about the most recent changes.
> Of course we can't, but the old view displays old content anyway (and that's
> what the user sees). Why should the new one be "better"?

No, Nautilus refresh the two view.

Yoann Vandoorselaere | At Mandrake, French people were born on the wrong side
MandrakeSoft         | of the Atlantique ocean -- Jean-Brice Demoulin (upset
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