Re: [Nautilus-list] Metadata model

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> Ian McKellar <yakk-nautilus yakk net au> writes:
> > typedef enum {
> >   METADATA_DEPTH_ZERO = 0, /* get the metadata for just this URI */
> >   METADATA_DEPTH_ONE = 1   /* get the metadata for this URI and its children */
> > } GnomeVFSMetadataDepth;
>> Using a number for depth makes sense if it can be arbitrary, but if
> the choices are an item only or the item and it's children, surely we
> can come up with better names than zero and one.
> But I am stumped at coming up with better names right now.

Good point.  Well, it could be

typedef enum {
  METADATA_SURFACE = 0, /* get the metadata for just this URI */
  METADATA_DEEP = 1,    /* get the metadata for this URI and its
children */
} GnomeVFSMetadataDepth;

But other words can be used to describe the tip of the iceberg (_TIP, 
_TOP) against the core (_CORE, _UNDER).

   So I suppose the maintainer should be able to pick the nicest ones

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