Re: [Muine] [PATCH] incomplete albums

On Sun, Jan 16, 2005 at 01:31:50AM +0100, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 01:01 +0200, Yo'av Moshe wrote:
> > So, since I'm no shell coder either (damn it I'm just no good, gotta
> > learn *something*), I went ahead and checked EasyTag, which I use
> > regularly on my music library.
> > 
> > Apparently EasyTag works great for us - If you have EasyTag to check
> > sub-directories, you can just point it to your 'albums' directory,
> > have it scan all of your songs, select all of them, and, here's the
> > magic -> click the button that is left to the total-tracks input field
> > and have it all tagged correctly! Yup, even though you have them all
> > selected it will tag it by the number of files in the directory. Just
> > save and that's it.
> Rocking.
> Well, I commited the stuff then- once we release this, we should point
> people to easytag to fix their collections if they lack this tag.

that's all cool, only one little warning.

ogg files are ok.

but mp3 files... the id3-hell is still not over.

easytag is not able to handle the following things:
-non-latin1 text frames in id3v2 tags (so no unicode stuff or such)
    -they are trying to switch to tagLib to solve this problem
-id3v2.4 (for example when you want to have gain info in the tags, then
id3v2.4 is the only way to go).
    -easytag simply ignored the id3v2.4 tag in my files. imho if i have
    an mp3 with id3v2.4, and let it be tagged by easytag, it will ERASE
 the old info
        -i'll have to doublecheck this, i cannot check it now, but will
        check it and send a mail tomorrow
    -this problem (imho) would also vanish with tagLib support in

to summarize:
easytag is a very nice program, i use it a lot to fix/create the tags in
my music files, but it can be dangerous to simply apply it to your music

btw. the ONLY software which seems to correctly edit non-latin1 tag data
is eyeD3 (a library), and the Amarok music player (and maybe also Juk).


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