Re: [Muine] [Patch] Better album defining

On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 17:49 +0200, Viet Yen Nguyen wrote:

> For music tags there is, one of those programs is called easytag. Since
> this program exists, and does work well to a certain degree and/or
> perspective, a workaround would not be necessary. 
> What perhaps could be nice is to let Muine cooperate with Easytag, so
> that when needed for proper tagging, Easytag will be activated for its
> use. 

"Waltz for Koop" or "Waltz For Koop"
Which is right, which is wrong?
I don't want to tag my music and worry about minutia like "This album
doesn't have the same tag as this album", I just want the 6 songs from
"Waltz for Koop" to appear as the one album.

Note that I'm not talking about asking Muine to correct insanely poorly
tagged files, like fixing a Mr Scruff song thats been tagged as Britney
Spears, just the obvious things that can be easily fixed without users
looking at it and thinking "Why didn't that just work?" 

It seems that to head down the "Muine only works with a correctly tagged
and 'correctly' organised music collection" road is making a wonderfully
simple music player for the techno-cultured elite who even know what a
tag is.

And for what its worth, knowing why "Waltz for Koop" and "Waltz For
Koop" don't match, knowing that you can fix it, finding out how to fix
it, finding easytag, downloading it, compiling it, installing it and
then running it and sitting for a long time to fix the tags (I've got
about 1000 mp3s, most of which have something wrong with the tags, I
have friends who have many many more, with worse tags than mine), is not
userfriendly when all you *really* want to do, is simply hear some

Sorry for ranting.


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