Re: [Muine] iRadio mockup

Viet Yen Nguyen wrote:
This is indeed a good evolution on that of Links. However, I can imagine
that users oftenly want to play stations that they have listened to
before. Therefore, keeping this in mind, a radio application would need
to be build around the concept of a historical notion of already
listened stations.
It would be nice to show the history of played stations when the users
pressed the "Play Station" button. It seems that we are on the right
track to an usable radio application :)
Yea I've thought about this. What exactly should the "Play Station" button do? Open up a dialog to pick a new station? Or start playing to currently open station? If the former, then we'd need a "Play current station" button or something simliar. I think this is where I was going with the seperate "Play" button and "New station" button. The "Play" button plays the currently loaded station, and the "New station" button opens a dialog to pick and load a different station. Hell we could even check and see if the user has a rhythmbox iradio playlist and import it automagically. ;) If the dialog contains different stations, we'd need a way of adding them, as well as keeping the station URIs up-to-date. As mirrors come and go. has a big listing of stations. Perhaps an amazon-style getting of playlists (instead of images) could be achieved? Maybe only performed on user request by having an "Update stations" menu item. One application that may come in handy when brainstorming this iRadio app is streamtuner[1]. Its UI is attrocious, but its got some nice fundamental streaming music concepts.

Link Dupont					mail: link subpop net				 jab: link jabber org

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