Re: [Muine] Regarding Internet Radio and Audio CDs

On Sat, 2004-01-31 at 03:51, Eugenia Loli-Queru wrote:
> >Plus, is it really that hard to open
> >Multimedia->Music player or Multimedia->Radio?
> >Why not Multimedia->Play audio cd?
> > I'm sorry, but that is just crack ;) It's hacking aroudn the mix of
> > concepts. Bad bad bad!
> I don't think so. There should not be a different concept for audiocds,
> radio and local music. It is all music, they should be handled from the same
> app and seemlessly.

They *are* different concepts of music. Just like the VCR and tuner on
your TV set have entirely different interfaces .. they just aren't the
same thing. (And the output device is still the same of course, in the
TV case the TV screen, in this case your speakers)

If they were to be integrated into Muine, we would have to add separate
windows for handling those.. as just mixing them into the playlist
window would result in a confusing mess. And then, I just fail to see
the advantage of having different windows in the same app above having a
different app entirely.. which will be much better and cleaner at doing
the job... 


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