Re: [Muine] Muine UI idea for the future

On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 23:23, Eugenia Loli-Queru wrote:
> Jorn wrote:
> > Alright. When I first saw the mockups I had a few seconds of confusion..
> > eyes dancing around the mockup to "index" everything and get the UI
> > model into my mind. It took like 3 seconds.. which is quite a lot of
> > time for something as simple as a music player. Bad sign.
> > (Yea, I daresay the current UI is a lot easier to "index" :P )
> I think the problem was because I had too many windows on the same mockup
> image, not because the UI itself of one of the apps showing is complicated.

Ehm, no, I was looking at the third mockup which was the only window in
the whole mockup ;)

> Regarding internet radio, I believe it is a must-have on any music player.
> Personally, I mostly that's what I actually use for my music. As a user, I
> don't want a different app for internet radio and a different app for
> playing local music. I think that defeats the purpose of the "music player"
> and adds unessasery complexity in the applications a user could daily use.
> Music is music, no matter if it comes from your hard drive or from a distant
> server.

Well, I told you my opinion on this already.. I think it messes up the
whole concept of songs. Plus, is it really that hard to open
Multimedia->Music player or Multimedia->Radio? It's really just the same
as opening Rhythmbox, and clicking either library or internet radio.
That is actually even one click more!

> Anyways, you convinced me, I think it would best if the visualization would
> be on its own window, and so I created the last mockup for Muine with the
> visualization on its own window. This simplifies things A LOT for both the
> user and the programmer, because you don't have to shuffle views around, you
> always have the playlist and the playback on the same window and on the same
> position (except when on the mini-modes). Here it is:

OK, visualization is a post-1.0 detail though :)


> Eugenia
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