Re: [Gcds] [guadec-list] Mobile track at Gran Canaria Desktop Summit?


Quim Gil wrote:
> There are potential sessions that are very specific to mobile desktops
> with no direct implications for 'static desktops', but there is a lot of
> stuff going on that is initiated by mobile projects or needs but have an
> impact overall (e.g. presence, bluetooth, connectivity management,
> search & metadata, desktop widgets, media players...).
> Cornering all this stuff in a mobile track would be as unfair as detach
> it from the main tracks. Also, even if what most people have nowadays
> (and therefore what most app developers target) are 'static desktops',
> when it comes to new developments a lot of the innovation is being
> pushed by the mobile business and use cases. It's "only" because the
> hardware is still not so available and popular that there is less users
> and less app developers, but if we believe the expectations of Nokia,
> Intel, Access, LiMo, Canonical... all this is meant to change and the
> Desktop Summit looks like the right place to highlight this.

What makes sense to me is to group presentations which target mobile
together in one room & one afternoon during the conference, and then
have a separate full-day GNOME Mobile workgroup to work on specific
issues, and set goals for the project.

So, to answer Stormy, I think we need to do both - identify
mobile-related content in the main agenda, and have a Mobile workgroup
day or half-day during the week (looks like Wednesday or Thursday
morning are the best candidates).


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org

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