Re: Writing a press release pre-summit?

<quote who="Dave Neary">

> Does this sound like a good idea to people?

Yes, somewhat token, but still useful. I'm sure there'll be some coverage of
the LF summit, so hopefully this will grease the wheels with whoever decides
to cover it.

> I have written something quick & dirty which I'd like to get opinions on.
> As usual, it needs editing, I think it's a bit loose. If people think
> (after taking into account your comments) it's good to go, then I'll see
> about having it put up on the GNOME News site and diffusing it a bit
> further.

What's the "GNOME News" site? Footnotes? :-) Probably best to get the Board
to approve it as a Foundation press release, and push it out that way. I
don't think it will be a problem to do so.

- Jeff

OSCON 2008: Portland OR, USA 
                    Two words: Japanese technofetishism.

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