Mobile BOF at GUADEC

Hi all,

It's what you've all been waiting for - the GNOME Mobile BOF at GUADEC
will be held from 10am until 12 noon on Tuesday, the 8th of July, in the
appropriately names Meeting Room.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all there! I've created a page in the
wiki for the mobile BOF at,
where I invite you all to sign up and let me know you'll be there, to
give me an idea of how many people will be there (we can get a bigger
room if necessary). If anyone has any particular subjects that they'd
like to see discussed, that's a good place to propose them too.

This GUADEC will be one long Mobile festival, from what I can see. I've
singled out the most interesting sessions for those of us working in
embedding GNOME, and here's a quick summary of the most attractive sessions:

Monday the 7th:

12:00 - 13:00: maemo & Nokia BOF
16:30 - 17:30: Cairo BOF

Tuesday the 8th:
10:00 - 12:00: GNOME Mobile BOF
12:00 - 15:00: GTK+ developers meeting

Wednesday the 9th:

11:00: The PAF Animation Framework
12:00: Clutter Guts
15:30: Location aware applications with GeoClue and Gypsy
17:30: Firefox: defining the future of the web (Keynote)

Thursday the 10th:
11:00: Breaking the Silence: Making Applications Talk with Telepathy
11:00: Synchronization and the GNOME desktop
12:00: IM-up your app! (integrating IM with Telepathy)
15:30: Farsight 2: Video-conferencing for the Free Desktop
17:30: "Future visions for web content in GNOME" (Webkit keynote)

Friday 11th:
11:00: GTK+: The State of the Union
11:00: GNOME and Bluetooth, part deux
15:30: GUPnP: UPnP made simple

Also recommended, the lightning talks on Friday, which will include a
presentation on OHM and tidy/clutter

Saturday 12th (tutorials):
GIO/gvfs Illustrated 2: The Implementation

Add to all that the other fantastic keynotes, and the social events. The
GUADEC planners have put together a pretty insanely good schedule.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
bolsh gnome org

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