Re: hildon gnome org

On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 18:13 -0400, ext Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 01:01 +0300, Carlos Guerreiro wrote:
> > 
> > Since then, a lot of effort has been put on improving Hildon's
> > alignment with gtk+ and GNOME by aggressively reducing our
> > patch against gtk+ and Hildon's dependencies on Maemo specifics.
> This is all very interesting.  In the long run, what features do you see
> that have to live in Hildon and cannot be moved to current GNOME
> platform libraries?  Given that there are bugs/proposals to add
> GtkApplication classes and similar efforts, what is it in Hildon that
> doesn't have a future in Gtk+?

Well, basically Hildon widgets could be just gtk+ widgets themed in a
special way, at least in theory. However, in practice I think there may
be widgets that would be easier to maintain and customize when they're
more standalone. But even in that case it would be really useful to be
able to provide the same interface for the application developers.

Tommi Komulainen                            <tommi komulainen nokia com>

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