Re: It's time to discuss *that* matter again

I think let's wait membership management system (mms) to be finished
before calling for new volunteers. So we can introduce them new system.
By this way they won't get confused with the structure. 

We should have 4 people (apart from Vincent) currently and it would be
better to know if they are alive :). If we won't have any reply in two
weeks or so we should need to replace them as well. But is there any
policy for that? Maybe board should add this issue to charter or
something to clarify. 

On election time, which committee's most busy time I think, we only got
few (me and Sankarshan) members and greg (I don't know if he is in
committee still) in committee. That really made coordination hard for
some duties. Apperantly we should not let this happen again. 

So our urgent TODO should be:
* Finish MMS, 
* Discuss this spam issue on application form,

And once those have been done, 
* Process waiting applications/renewals
* We should call new volunteers for board if necessary,
* And keep rocking. 

On Thu, 2006-01-05 at 08:58 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:

Le mardi 03 janvier 2006 Ã 20:52 +0530, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay a
Ãcrit :

We took over at the end of one election (well nearly) and finally
managed to survive through one (I would assume that we survived since no
one has flamed us yet).

And it is time to discuss *that* question again - what do we do about
the composition of the committee ?

FWIW, I'll leave the committee, but continue to work on the elections
system and the membership management system since the work is not

So, we just need to know who wants to stay and who wants to leave :-)
Anybody wanting to prepare a mail asking for new volunteers?


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