Re: - applying foundation, blusher and mascara

<quote who="The Face of Sun Microsystems">

Jeff's put the beta site online at

So I guess now we need some feedback, and suggestions for some of the

So, we need:

  * A header image, left or right aligned, based on the colours in our stock
    palette [1]. I'm planning to do a call for header images generally (like
    a logo competition only less lame), so including the f.g.o choice in
    this would be fine. If anyone has immediate suggestions, please let me

  * Fixage for the Organization/Documentation mess. The first part of fixing
    this is contact/ which Glynn started (not sure where that's at), but the
    distinction between Organization and Documentation is so weak that I
    think we could easily flatten out the navigation of the site. The points
    of interest under Organization and Documentation are:

      - Board of Directors
      - Advisory Board
      - Executive Director
      - Foundation Charter
      - Foundation By-Laws
      - BoD Meeting Minutes
      - Press Releases
      - Mailing Lists

   The first set above could easily be integrated into a single "About the
   GNOME Foundation" style page, as they are all immediately interesting to
   someone finding out about what the organisation is for, and how it works.
   It would make sense to reorder the page for those priorities.

   The second set includes stuff that can be linked from the About page, and
   the sidebar, depending on importance. Press is already in the sidebar,
   Mailing Lists could shift to Contact and Membership, Minutes can be
   linked from Contact and About (I don't think it's of top-level importance
   considering it's just a mailing list link).

   That basically kills all of the extraneous navigation and complexity on
   the site, and fulfills the use cases of the site that I could think of
   (particularly with the front page news and news archive page we have now
   thanks to Glynn).

Thoughts? Happy to make these changes in the next couple of days if no one


- Jeff


-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
   She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had already lost

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