Re: Processing the membership renewals


I attach Elliot's application to this mail. The problem is not that we
don't know what Elliot did for GNOME, but that the application can't be
accepted as it is right now (well, that's my opinion). So the fact that
you provide more information will not solve the problem. If someone has
to provide more information, it's Elliot himself.

Again, this is my personal feeling. This is why I'm asking what other
people feel.

The issue as stated by the new guidelines of the board is to allow those
who are interested in remaining as members of the foundation to remain. 
The task of the membership committee is to evaluate whether someone who
applied (by going to the web page, and submitting his form) should be
part of the foundation using the criteria that we have been given.

We are trying to maximize those people who can be foundation members,
and just rejecting those who have not contributed to Gnome.

I believe that Elliot should just be moved over to the approved
section.  I do not want to seem disrespectful, that is not my intention,
but I do not believe that our job is to act as a police officer.

Any other objections besides Elliot?   There are plenty of applications
there that we should approve.


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