Re: [Fwd: Membership reviews.]


When Mike resigned, we decided to freeze the applications processing for
some time. We should have end this freeze last week, but some of us (I,
at least) were not totally satisfied with the new guidelines.

Well the board is discussing a group of new guidelines that are more
precise than what we had before.   Also we are trying to get someone
from the membership committee to attend a call on Friday.

However you can already help by approving or rejecting 'easy'
applications (that means rejecting spam or invalid applications, and
approving people who are clearly okay).

With the new guidelines in mind, the following is my list of people that
I believe should be approved.  Feel free to not discuss my list until
the new guidelines are out.

Significant contributions:

        Ross Golder.
                His application claims various contributions.
                LXR is broken and I can not scan it
                Google does not index
        Adrian Vance
                Lots of documentation work.
        Andrew Hill
                His software does not ship with Gnome today, but
                has his hands on various projects.
        Joel Becker.
                Few contributions this year, but with the new
                guidelines, he would be elegible.  But he is
                definitely part of the community, anyone would
                recongnize his name.
        Nicola Fragale
                His software looks pretty nice, we do not ship it
        David Neary
                Significant well known contributor.
        Andrea Grandy
                Not a well known hacker, but definitely involved in
                ironing out problems, and bug fixing.  One of those
                lesser known heroes.
        Cristopher Paul Taylor:
                We do not ship his software, but his code is used
                by people in the "larger" gnome community.
        Austin Donnelly
                He should just be approved.  Historical reasons.
        Martin Baulig
                Ditto.  And he has been doing work on Gtk# anyways.
                Not to mention that he was still contributing code
                in September last year (and got Gnome2 off the ground
                when nobody would touch the mess it was left as).
        Frank Chiulli:
                Long time hacker, well known by those groups in which
                he has been involved.
        Simon Budig:
        Radka Doulikova:
                She volunteered for Ximian, but her work did directly
                benefit Evolution and works in the translation team to
        Jochen Friedrich
                Long time developer, early gnome guy.  Even if his call
                to fame was GxSNMP he was early involved in the platform
                and getting things off the ground.
        Markus Leyman
                By the previous-member rule.
        Jose Cohen
                Documentation, spanish, but documentation nonetheless.
        Alejandro Sánchez
                Very active member of Gnome Hispano.  Gnome Hispano is
                a very strong Gnome group in Spain, that is focused on 
                Spanish speakers, because there is a big chasm for
                people in Spain to cross: most people do not speak
                English, Gnome Hispano is a very well organized team
                that has given Gnome a great presence in Spain and Latin
                America.  Alejandro is a well known contributor there
                to documents, tutorials and translations.
        Peter Lerner
        Elliot Lee
                Despite being a rude application, every time we use
                Gnome, tons of his code are working for you.

                Elliot has always been a bit rude, and even defiant,
                but it was the defiance that started Gnome.  A shy
                person in real life, Gnome would not exist without him.

                In fact, a little known story is that despite Federico
                and myself working to get things moving, Elliot should
                be credited for making Gnome happen.  The first drag and                drop
protocol;  GnomeApp, docking widgets, the first apps
                and ORBit.   Not to mention that he has been bugging
                everyone with bug lists every day.

                Without Elliot's irreverence and lack of respect, Gnome
                would have never got started up.  He was key to
                recruiting many of the original developers, many which
                btw, did not apply to the foundation.

        Ty Augustine:
                Previous member.


I did not see Bruce Perens application in approved or rejected.  But he
is a previous member, financed Gnome initially (gave a 1000 dollars that
went to people who needed hard drives to keep developing) and pushed for
Gnome to be default in Debian while the KDE freedom issue was at stake. 
By being a previous member he would be a member. 

Less significant:
        Jordi Mallach.
        Raphal Hertzog:
                He is a package maintainer in Debian.
Need to check:
        Jose Rodriguez
                Was his work related to Gnome, or it is only a Red Hat
                install document?
        Sameer Morar
                Is his software open source?

        Ryan Muldoon:
                It is indeed hard to track his patches, but a google
                search for him on the site shows many matches,
                he is at least very much engaged in the discussions.
                Can not track his contributions.
        Andrey Zakirov
                We need to ask him for references or which documents
                or things he has translated.
        Jean Schurger
                This dude has to provide more data.


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