Re: Update Windows binaries

I've started work on a pipeline for msys2 here (but it's not working yet):  I dunno if folks are able to see settings I have so far or not, so here they are

version: 3.18.1.{build}
skip_non_tags: true
clone_depth: 1
  PATH: C:\msys64\usr\bin;$(PATH)
- cmd: >-
    bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm --sync --refresh --refresh pacman"

    bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm --sync --refresh --sysupgrade"

    bash -lc "pacman --noconfirm -S python mingw-w64-i686-gtk3 mingw-w64-x86_64-gtksourceview3 glib2-devel"

    rem bash -lc "pip install --upgrade pip"

    bash -lc "pip install pypiwin32==219"

    bash -lc "pip install cx_Freeze==5.0.2"
- cmd: bash -lc 'cd "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%" && glib-compile-schemas data && python bdist_msi'

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 10:13 PM Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com> wrote:
On 26 March 2018 at 22:00, Vasily Galkin <galkin-vv yandex ru> wrote:
> About using msys2 binaries instead of pygobject-win32: I'm running meld checkout with mingw64 for several months by now.
> It contains newer gtk and so shortcuts problems with non-english keyboards is solved (which is great!)
> But unfortunately it has a huge problem: nearly 1 of 10 invocations hangs on startup. This is very annoying. I just reported and crosslinked this as and
> Apart from this I had several crashes, but they are extremely rare (1 per month with intensive every-day use, like 1 from 1000 usages leads to crash).

...and we've been forced on to msys2 by some changes I made to stop
supporting older GTK+. I *can* revert these, but I'd really rather
not, since we need to (IMO) move to using msys2 sooner rather than
later anyway.


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