Re: Replacement for "merge non-conflicting"?

On 5 October 2014 01:08, Bálint Réczey <balint balintreczey hu> wrote:
2014-10-04 2:50 GMT+02:00 Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com>:
On 4 October 2014 10:37, Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com> wrote:
So to be completely clear, *nothing* has changed in Meld here. We take
the files we're given by git.

The default meld mergetool looks to see if we support --output, and if
so it gives us LOCAL/BASE/REMOTE, with --output=MERGED. If we *don't*
support --output, it gives us LOCAL/MERGED/REMOTE, which is what
you're seeing.

Turns out GLib has broken GApplication command line handling. You can
confirm this is the problem you're seeing by running `meld --help` and
seeing no Meld-specific help.

I don't know when, how or whether I will be able to fix this. It's one
in the long, long line of things that have been broken by this
GTK/GLib release cycle.

As a workaround, you can change the git mergetool helper to not check
for --output and just always assume that it's there.
Do you have a link to the GLib bug? I would report it against the
Debian package with the possible workaround.


Fortunately, despite my earlier grumpiness, it looks like there's a
reasonable chance of getting this fixed in a stable 2.42 release,
which would be great.

As an aside, if you're running GTK+ 3.14, etc. can you confirm whether
Meld's diff highlighting works as normal? I'm seeing what I had
assumed was a regression with background colours for diff chunks not
being drawn, but if it's only me then I'll have to investigate


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