Re: Version control support call for help

On 28 May 2013 18:44, Louis des Landes <louis obsidian com au> wrote:
* A few methods (get_commits_to_push_summary for eg) aren't prototyped yet
and only exist in git... guessing also a WIP? I can't quite figure out what
this method is being used for (only referenced in the _set_location method
in vcview at the moment)

I'm just going to facepalm over this one, I can see what it does. BZR will
require a network connection for this however - it does not track the status
of parent branches inside it's own branch. You mention similar for hg's
functionality in the initial commit of this method. Still worth
implementing? I guess we'll just need to make it async...

Yeah, I'm painfully aware that these are sync-only APIs that I'm
adding. The additions really came out of a desire to fix some
limitations of the current stuff, not as a master plan for the future.

The problem with adding async APIs is that I expect that they'll be
quite invasive to handle in VcView, which *isn't* a fight I was
gearing up for. Not yet anyway...

we can also see
commits on the parent which haven't been pulled yet - might be worth adding
this as well.

It would be great to be able to show this, but we're rapidly running
out of space. I'm thinking about adding a dedicated status area for
these sorts of things; I'd like something more prominent than the
status bar, and more obviously tied to the repo as a whole than an
individual row in the table. Anyway, I'm definitely in favour of
adding that capability.


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