Re: Meld failed on git repo

On 7 January 2013 09:37, Peter Olson <peter olson gmail com> wrote:
> Let me know if you need me to run further tests or need more
> information. I hit the bug my launch meld, opening the git directory
> with the "Version Control Browser" tab, then double clicking on the
> README file that was shown as modified.
> """
> Invoking 'patch' failed.
> Maybe you don't have 'GNU patch' installed,
> or you use an untested version of Git.
> """
> $ patch --version
> GNU patch 2.7.1
> """
> - meld version: '1.6.1'
> - source control software type: 'Git'
> - source control software version: '1.8.1'
> - the output of 'git diff --relative HEAD somefile.txt'
> """
> $ git diff --relative HEAD README
> diff --git a/README b/README
> index b9cab08..ba59d16 100644
> --- a/README
> +++ b/README
> @@ -1 +1,3 @@
>  This project aims to create a block duplication feature that supports
> permissions and additional configuration.
> +
> +test added line
> """
> - patch command: 'patch -p1 -R -d /tmp/tmpc7xIo0-meld'
> """

Yeah that's weird. That version of Git is certainly untested, but I'm
not aware of any breaking changes. If you'd like to try the current
HEAD version of Meld, I'm pretty sure it will work for you. If not,
I'd definitely like to hear about it.

Having said that, I wouldn't mind actually knowing what's going on
here. If there's any way you could provide more information (i.e., the
status at the time, any additional file changes), or a test case, then
that would be immensely helpful. There's no way that should happen
based on the output here.


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