Re: 1.3.2 bzr 'fixes' - still can't deal with exec bit changes

On 13 July 2010 07:49, Steve Franks <bahamasfranks gmail com> wrote:
> Quite simply, if the exec bit changes, bzr flags this with a '*'
> (using an important character like that as status was probably a
> whopper of a mistake in the first place, imho).  Meld then picks that
> up as part of the filename, and subsequent bzr actions on the file
> fail, because the asterisk is not actually part of the filename, but
> status.

Okay, so we can't actually tell from the output of bzr status whether
a file has had its exec bit changed, or whether it's a changed file
that happens to end in a "*"...


> If I use bzr from the command line, and (i.e.) commit the file without
> the * in the name, it works fine.  The quoted stderr in my origonal
> email is from meld's status pane when I try to commit the same file
> within meld.

Ah right. Yeah - you can tell I'm not a bzr user.

So the quick solution to this is to trim a "*" off the end of
filenames we get from bzr status, and figure out what status to use
for those. This is guaranteed to break on perfectly valid filenames,
but I'm sure that exec bit changes are more common than filenames that
end in an asterisk, so that sounds like an acceptable short-term

Unless someone knows of a better option, it looks to me like the only
actual solution is to do a wholesale port to bzrlib.


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